Support the Quest for Fundy Hospice
Join our Quest for
Fundy Hospice to raise funds for our effort to construct a new hospice to serve the residents of Annapolis and Digby counties. The Atalanta Hospice Society needs your help to raise the
$5.5 million needed to build the Fundy Hospice located in Cornwallis Park, Nova Scotia. The land has been generously donated to the Atalanta Hospice Society by the
Annapolis Basin Conference Centre and we are in the infancy stage of accumulating capital needed to build a residential style facility.
To make a donation, click on ==>
<== which will take you to an online service that can accept your donation on our behalf, and which will automatically generate a tax receipt after you've submitted your donation via email. Simply follow the easy instructions to complete your donation.
We would be thrilled to receive your donation to show your support!
You can also contribute with an e-transfer to the Atalanta Hospice Society via email transfer to: and include your full name, address, email and telephone so that an official tax receipt can be manually created.
( Note: A minimum of $20 is required to create a tax receipt )